A little Whosie press on the web.
A Tshirt Blog. How great is that?

Oldie but Goodie

I have been so busy these past few weeks that I haven't had a chance to put these pics up of a snowstorm we had two (!?) weeks ago. This is our back yard. It looks so magical with the snow and the dark sky. Meanwhile, there are actual deer, wild turkeys and coyotes perusing these parts. They were not out at this particular moment but they live here, too.

Come to find out, there is also a skunk.

Ruby Scott!

These are my two darling neices.
Ruby Scott is 3 days old!

Welcome Little Tot!!!


Its so cold here. I just attempted to put gas in my car and the pump was frozen. "No gas this morning. Come back later. It should be fine." Its laughable when its this cold. I kind of like it.

Happy Birthday to yet another Capricorn Friend

To my dear Dina,
Hope that all of your birthday wishes come true this year. I have a feeling they will.


New for Spring of '08

Think: Handmade Buttons and Vinyl

Happy Birthday!

To one of the loveliest people I know,
Hope it's the most beautiful birthday ever.

Smashing San Francisco Style

Can't wait to get the low-down from Trish on the Smashing Darlings blazing around my beloved SAN FRANCISCO.
This photo was sent to me via Trish's iPhone and it appears to be MoMo, photoing the Bay Bridge/Treasure Island in (no?!) the FOG.Beautiful photo.


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