
It changes from day to day around here...
One weekend=Tank Top. Next weekend=Parka. Ahhhh, New England.

Connecticut Farm Fresh Express

My friend Deb has an incredible organic food delivery service, here in CT. She scoots around the state from farm to farm market and then delivers fresh goods to homes and restaurants. If you live in the area and have interest in shopping locally, organically and mindfully, check her out here at

My hat goes off to you, DEB! You are doing such a wonderful thing for Connecticut. Thank you for being so thoughtful!

"I am not a Co-Op, I am a personal shopper for my customers. I am fussy about the quality of the products I choose and I am willing to travel almost anywhere in the state to get those quality products and deliver it to your door. I created this business because I am passionate about preserving our farms in CT and because we have an abundance of wonderful products grown and created in this state. I want to share this passion with you.

We have lost track of how our food is grown, where it is grown, and how it is processed. We walk into our local mega grocery stores and pick from hundred, maybe thousands of products and do we really think about the environmental cost, what it takes to grow, process, package, distribute and stock those products? Most of our greens come from California. It's a shame because we have farmers in CT growing the same products. The problem for most of us has been access Farmer's Markets. The problem for farmers is producing enough to satisfy the mega-store's supply appetites."

An Indication of Spring

I may be bundled in sweaters and raincoats every day but there are many signs that it is, in fact, Spring out there. Like this one from our yard... (and the allergy condition that has had me for weeks)....

I attended an inspiring 3 hour yoga workshop this a.m.
Feeling peaceful despite the piling of projects I have in front of me.

Hope everyone is having a happy weekend.

Block Island

We just spent 3 days on Block Island.Went exploring...

Cooked beautiful meals

Got some rest...

Thanks GIRLS!!! It was such a thoughtful, inspiring gift...

I am, currently, down TWO computers at the moment.
No bueno.
All of my photos are being held hostage inside these beautiful MACS. So, bear with me .... I need to regroup and assess the damage/malfunction.

HAPPY SPRING, though. Its amazing weather here at this moment.


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